
Indemnity & Waiver

Whereas we have engaged the services of Executive Solutions (“ES”) to attend to certain repairs, maintenance and installations (as the case may be) at our premises and to our computer hardware, software and/or network system;

Now therefore we hereby:

1. Waive any right or claim that we may have as against ES, its agents, servants, employees or members for any loss or damage, caused to any person or any thing, howsoever arising in connection with their attendance or work at our premises.

2. Consent to the removal by ES of any item or equipment from our premises as required by them in order for them to carry but any of the aforementioned services for us.

3. Without limiting the generality of the aforegoing, we agree that neither ES, nor its agents, servants or employees or members shall be liable for:

3.1 Any injury or damage caused to us;
3.2 Any damage or loss occasioned whilst any of our equipment is in their possession;
3.3 Any loss of data from any equipment being worked on by ES;
3.4 Any other damage whatsoever.

4. We hereby indemnify ES, its agents, servants, employees or members from any demand, claim, action, loss or damage of whatsoever nature whether directly or indirectly relating to the events set out above, including any claim for any loss of revenue or consequential damages as a result of the aforegoing events and any claim for injury sustained by any person as a result of the aforementioned events.